EMMIT 7th International Conference


EMMIT 7th International Conference


7th International Conference

October 10,11,12 2011

organized by
EMIT@ssociation in cooperation with
Near East University – North Cyprus


* Electronic health record / personal health record

* Clinical and epidemiological data bases

* Hospital Information Systems and hospital virtualization

* Health information systems and patient smart cards

* Standards and interoperability in Health Informatics

* Telemedicine (teleradiology, telepathology, telecardiology, teleophthalmology, ...)

* Telehomecare and ambient assisted living

* Bio-devices and sensors

* Multimedia database, images and bio-signal processing

* Guidelines and protocols

* Personalized medicine and quality of medical care

* Patient safety, privacy and security

* Distance learning in healthcare

* Decision support systems and expert systems in medicine

* Statistical software and neural networks in biomedicine

* Bioinformatics and genomic data banks

* Neuroinformatics, A.I. and cognitive brain processes * Knowledge management, knowledge-based systems

* Internet in healthcare, medical web portals

* Semantic web and ontologies in medicine * Web 2.0 applications * Modelling and simulation * National eHealth roadmaps

* GRID technology and global e-Health * Euro-Mediterranean -cross border applications

Scientific Committee

Chairman: Francesco Sicurello (President of EMMIT@ssociation, University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy)

Co-chairs: Mohamed Abdalla (Vice-President of EMMIT@ssociation), Tayseer Al-Shanableh (Near East University)

EMMIT 2011 Registration Form

Organizing Committee

Chair: Tayseer Al-Shanableh (Near East University)

Cyprus: Şenol Bektaş, Erkan Kaptanoğlu;

email: talshanableh@gmail.com Middle East and Arabic Countries: Mohamed Abdalla, Nevine Labib, Zahra'a Nouredine; email: mohamed.abdalla08@gmail.com

European Countries: Alessandro Donzelli, Michaela Gündel;

email: segreteria@iitm.eu tel.: +390362627190, fax: +390362337840

Web Site: emmit.iitm.eu


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